Friday Favorites!

Oh, hey there! It's Fri-YAY! We have roughly one more week of school, and I am so excited! Summer, here I come! Today I am sharing some of my favorites from the week! Linking up with Andrea, and Erika! Enjoy some of my favorties! :) 

1. All The Books
I started reading Twilight, and it is so good so far!!! Thanks to Abby, and Ella I started reading! I can not put it down! It is so intense, and the one of the best books ever!! All of my family, and friends loved it as well so obviously it has to be good! Haha! I am so excited to finish it!  

Another book series I loved was the Hunger Games! Oh my gosh, the best books I have ever read. No joke. I was #teampeeta! Cause' who wouldn't be?! He is so charming, and precious. The third book just made me sad, when he didn't like Katniss anymore. Broke. My. Heart. Into a million pieces. Ahhh! I am so in love with Peeta, and fictional character. Hahaha!

2. Slowing Down
 I'm sure, I along with the rest of the world are loving this! I love not having to have softball every night, and all of the family time we get to have! Although, this changed this week. Softball has started back up! I can't say I am too happy about that! Ha! I did love getting to see my team, and laugh with them! They always know how to cheer someone up! I love them! It is going to be sad having to get back into a routine, with softball and such! Wahhh! 

3. Funnies
I have been loving looking at these, and getting a good laugh in! Here are two of my favorites: 
Is there any way to cancel?!
Anyone else feel this one on a deep level? 

Haha! I laugh so hard every time!!!

4. Survivor Nights 
It's no secret that I love Survivor!! But what you didn't know is that my whole family loves Survivor!! (you also probably didn't know my uncle was on Survivor either!) Every Wednesday night we have a "Survivor Party" and have such a good time! My cousins, aunt, uncle, mom, & dad, (and sometimes even my grandparents!!!) gather together to watch Survivor live! It has become our favorite part of the week!! We love Wednesday's! Especially this past Wednesday! The THREE hour finale! I was pretty sad, Michelle or Natalie, didn't win...but Tony deserved it!   

5. Knock, Knock, Jokes
My three year old little cousin has been telling hilarious Knock Knock Jokes! I thought I would share a few with you!! 

Me: Drew Boo, can you tell me a Knock Knock Joke?

Drew: Sure Sissy! Knock Knock!

Me: Who's there?

Drew: Banana

Me: Banana, who?

Drew: Banana, Corona Virus 

See?! so. dang. funny. I love her!!!!

   6. Old School Selfies 
I was going through my camera roll on my computer, and found some gems! ;) I miss those days of school, where we jam out to music! Don't you Abby?!

We are so weird!!!!

I hope you enjoyed!! Have a great weekend! See you here on Monday!!
